3-seat marble bench

Sunset red marble three seats marble garden bench

Bronze sculpture Fountain Fountain Wall Fountain Fireplace Life-size Statue Animal Statue Bust Balustrade Gazebo Bench&Planter Column&Lamppost Door Surround Tombstone Others

Marble garden bench with three seats

You may be surprised that such an impressive and elegant piece as this marble garden bench could be carved by hand, but it is! Wrought entirely from a block of natural marble, the marble garden bench seats three and features amazing sphinx head designs as armrests, with a plumed motif arching gracefully up into the backrest like the creature’s mythic wings. A breathtaking mosaic is carved as a relief into the backrest, with Corinthian style swirls, similar to those that line the backrest’s top rim and the bench’s three exquisitely carved feet, along with perfectly symmetrical central leaf motifs. The garden marble bench’s rustic, old-fashioned color comes from its completely natural sunset red marble building material.

Suggested size of marble bench

  • Material of bench:Sunset red marble
  • Height of marble bench: 52.37 in. (133 cm)
  • Width of marble bench: 79.53 in. (202 cm)
  • Depth of marble bench: 35.44 in. (90 cm)
  • Size could be customized