Marble statue of sleeping lady

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Marble statue of sleeping lady

It may simply appear to be a sleeping lady, but this marble statue is deceptive: it’s also an absolutely astonishing maze of complex fabric effects, anatomical challenges, and precise physics. Loose sheets dangling about, the hammock twisted and crossed along itself, the strain of the woman’s weight on the fabric, and, of course, the marble lady herself, one arm dangling at her side, a perfect moment of aesthetic realism, both supernaturally beautiful and naturally mundane.

More about marble statue of sleeping lady

This combination of the real and the fantastic, where Greek mythology was at its most human and legends at their most relatable and grounded, harkens to the groundbreaking styles of the Italian Renaissance, where the most important goal of art was to draw emotion out of even the most everyday things… and to draw the everyday out of the legendary.

marble statue
marble statue