Marble pavillion with Caryatid column

White marble gazebo with delicated hand-carved statue of caryatid column

Bronze sculpture Fountain Fountain Wall Fountain Fireplace Life-size Statue Animal Statue Bust Balustrade Gazebo Bench&Planter Column&Lamppost Door Surround Tombstone Others

Roman style marble gazebo

No space is wasted with this densely carved Roman style marble gazebo. Caryatid marble columns hold aloft a grand dome roof that stands reassuringly over a beautiful marble pavilion like its own mahogany sky, atop carefully wrought plinths inscribed with convex anthemion leaf carvings. The wonderfully realized caryatid statues have careful attention to detail, and the leaf-carved plinths they are perched on are connected by matching circular benches, all carved out of white marble.

Marble pavillion with dome ceiling

The anthemion leaves the plinths are inscribed with are in a traditional wreath shape, looking also very much like a heart, as the caryatid women hold aloft the dome with buttresses like flower bouquets, proving a protective roof over the Corinthian space held within the shelter of the marble gazebo.