Marble statue of dragon, white dragon sculpture

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Marble statue of dragon, white dragon sculpture

Fierce and powerful, but also distinctly non-threatening with a great feeling of fun, this iconic marble statue of a dragon features one of the most famous designs in ancient Chinese art. His wide snout stretched into a mischievous sneer and his curved fangs almost blending into the tufts of his wise old whiskers, this white marble dragon sculpture packs an amazing amount of detail into a statue that remains highly stylized and fantastical, despite the convincing textures and the emotive facial expression. The marble dragon has a forward momentum as he stands atop the plinth of his cloudy stage, looking upward as if at his skyward destination, he himself drifting along as if made of flames. The mythology of the dragon is truly timeless.

Marble statue of dragon, white dragon sculpture details

  • Marble pedestal could be customzied.
  • Other colours of marble and dimensions customization are available.
wolf satue
wolf statue