Bull statue, stone statue of bull, modern bull sculpture

Bull statue | Custom bull statue

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wolf statue

Bull statue, stone statue of bull, modern bull sculpture

Delicately constructed and very cute, this modern stone bull statue is carved whole from real white marble and is seeped in the tradition of classical Chinese marble sculpture. The recognizable blend of animalistic and human features that gives the stone bull a great sense of relatable character comes through his robes, printed with an iconic blue Chinese floral painting, and his feet, clad in sandals that peer out from the bottom hem of the robe. It would almost as if he is a person with the head of a bull, but his proportions remain distinctly animal under his clothes, and he is proudly presented like a kind of spiritual figure between the human and animal worlds.

Bull statue, stone statue of bull, modern bull sculpture details

  • Marble pedestal could be customzied.
  • Other colours of marble and dimensions customization are available.
wolf satue
wolf statue